Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thanx 4 the 10 cent!

What a word ...10 cent anybody know what is 10 cent,but did any body realise how big 10 cent is.
When i'm at secondary school this 10 cent help me to buy a drink and also ice cream malaysia. That time it is so big value, but now...... you ask your neighbour how many cent they give to their children per day . No cent la bro.. at least RM 2.00 with 10 cent you can't buy nothing during recess.
But yesterday our leader just announce our petrol price decress 10 cent. Thanx but no thanx. We so appericiate it( did we).
I think better they put that 10 cent to other example give extra money to OKU fund or others. That better then you give back our 10 cent after you take our 70 cent .

Thanx but no thanx

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